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PLC DELTA DVP-MC là loại cao cấp,dùng cho nhiều trục với 8 ngỏ vào và 4 ngỏ ra xung tốc độ cao.Tích hợp nhiều chuẩn truyền thông.Điều khiển đồng bộ 4 trục.
Thông số kỹ thuật:
Built-in 12 I/O points
(8 sets of high-speed pulse inputs for interrupt function and 4 sets of high-speed outputs)
Max. 480 I/O points
Program capacity:Ladder 16k steps / Motion 1Mbyte
Built-in Ethernet, RS-232 and RS-485 communication port and standard MODBUS
ASCII/RTU communication protocol
Flexible industrial network applications
(provides DeviceNet Master/Slave, CANopen Master/Slave, PROFIBUS-DP Slave and many more modules)
Provides standard CANopen communication cables, terminal resistors, distribution boxes and related accessories. Wiring is simple and easy.
Synchronously controls 4 axes in 2ms and 8 axes in 4ms
Compatible with G-Code
Supports PLCopen standard function blocks for motion control, enhancing program editing efficiency
Designed by Tri.Thuc